Back up of Digital Production Data

Does your organisation take regular backups of its digital production data in line with current best practise guidelines?

Commonplace performs regular backups of all our data, and therefore if the worst happened and all of our data were lost, the worst case scenario would be that we would restore the backup.

These backups are tested on a regular basis as part of our normal business operations. All data in the backups is encrypted.

Backup schedule:

  • Every 4 hours, retained for a week

  • Every day, retained for a week

  • Every week, retained for a month,

  • Every month, retained for a year

This backup schedule represents a worst case scenario, which we would expect to outperform due to our additional layer of resilience, provided by a continuous transaction log of all database activity. This log enables us recover data to a specific time, down to a single minute accuracy.

Recovery point objective = 1 minute

Recovery time objective = 4 hours

Backups can not be restored by customers, these would be performed by our platform engineering team, once a request has been considered and approved.

Backups are stored in separate AWS backup vaults, which are kept on separate network from the production systems.